After a successful print run, The Last Decadent is now available as a digital ebook. If you don't have a dedicated reading device, you can still read this novel on your PC or Mac, or use the free Kindle reading app from Amazon for your iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, or Android device.
This blog contains an assortment of material to enhance your reading experience:
A biography of the main character, Alexandre Guilbert, which gives the reader further details about the man and his art. [Alexandre Guilbert]A gallery of actual images from Guilbert's life, to help ground the reader in the time and setting of the novel. [Photo Gallery]
A collection of early and deleted scenes from the novel, along with brief author commentaries about each. [Bonus Material]
Information about the author. [About the Author]
We cordially invite you to read the novel, then explore the additional material in the blog and let us know what you think about both. We look forward to hearing from our readers, as we hope you will look forward to all our books.
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